How Much Will Back To School Cost Families In Acadiana

Back to school debt! It’s a weird combination. Some parents are happy to send the kids back to school as we near the end of the summer break but many of those same parents dread the cost of back to school. It seems the costs associated with back to school continue to rise every year. It is at the point for the parents of the children going to public schools, the expenses continue to grow with back to school supplies, school fees for activities and sports and of course clothes.

According to the National Retail Federation, nationally, spending for back to school for the 2019-20 school year will be at the highest price ever at $80.7 billion. The breakdown per household is just under $700.

One local parent who asks to remain anonymous said besides the costs of back to school clothing and supplies, many returning students want to participate in extracurricular activities such as band, debate, sports, the art club and more. All of these organizations also require additional fees for equipment, uniforms, supplies, medical exams and in some cases travel.

It is no wonder you have in many cases both parents working 2 jobs each to help pay for back to school.  Going back to class is very expensive for college students also.  According to NRF the average cost of back to college is just under $1000 per household and obviously, this cost does not include tuition.

Speaking to another parent concerning back to school, she added the kids are always with mom when she goes clothes shopping but when it comes to buying supplies such as pens, tablets, and supplies she always goes with other parents. They compare the lists of supplies they each need and then they purchase in bulk for both families to last throughout the year. She also mentioned another expense she is facing every school year is childcare. During the summer months, older children can babysit their younger siblings. Once the older kids return to school, she now has this expense.
