I’m sure at some point during your commute you’ve experienced some not so nice drivers.

There are all sorts of reasons why another driver may not be happy with your driving skills. It could be they are in a rush and you’re driving the speed limit. And now it’s your fault for driving the speed limit and that is too slow for them. After all, they woke up late and are rushing to get to their destination and it’s YOUR fault.
The Cheat Sheet recently published a report listing the top states who ranked worst for road rage incidents and it is not good news for Louisiana.
Road rage can take on several different methods. You could have an angry drive flippn’ you off to the extreme case of pointing a gun at you.
The findings in the Road Rage report comes from a research group representing Kars4Kids. The group divided road rage incidents and bad driving reports by state.
From this information, they then ranked the top states worst for road rage incidents and gave each state a grade.
Here are the worst states for road rage and their grade.
- New York F
- South Carolina F
- Arkansas F
- Louisiana D-
- Wisconson D-
You can see the top 15 worst states for road rage here.
The survey went on to say this about Louisiana which is so true
If you’re tailgating in the Bayou State, you might be asking for trouble. Drivers in Louisiana are more likely to admit they’ll slow down disproportionately when they have someone riding their bumper, even if it will impede traffic. They’re also more willing than most to do whatever it takes to get off at the right exit, even if it means crossing three lanes and driving on the shoulder to get to the front of a line.
And if any driver is late for an LSU or UL sporting event, you better get out of the way.